Step-by-Step Liberation from Old Lifestyle Paradigms: Unleash The Full Potential Of Your Lifestyle To Achieve Your Ambitious Goals.

"The Healthy Habit-Building

System for High Achievers"

With John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"

Introducing "The Rise of a New Lifestyle"

Your Blueprint for Becoming a High-Achiever Who Thrives

Elevate Your Life

Join our monthly habit-building system, meticulously crafted for high achievers like you, seeking transformation and holistic well-being.

Monthly PDF Subscription

Say goodbye to the "whatever, whenever, If ever" lifestyle. Our subscription equips you with the tools and guidance to break free from old habits and embrace a new, purposeful lifestyle.

Balance Success and Well-being

Unlike traditional approaches, we prioritize not just success, but your health too. Our system underscores the importance of a better lifestyle to fuel your goal achievement while safeguarding your physical and mental well-being.

Dive into Biohacking

Uncover a wealth of knowledge and resources to master the art of biohacking – making incremental lifestyle changes for optimized energy, healthy aging, peak performance, and longevity, transcending old paradigms.

Monthly Digest

Get the insights you crave on energy, health, and performance, with each month focusing on a vital aspect of your lifestyle, including expert book reviews to broaden your horizons.

Transformational Training

Join our 30-day training program and connect with a Deeper Dive Expert for personalized support.

Live Q&A Sessions

Engage with Performance Lifestyle Coach JAM and industry experts in our monthly Q&A calls. Your burning questions answered!

Habit Builds for All Levels

Start your journey from where you are. Choose from three levels of Habit Builds, supported by powerful resources for rapid implementation.

Holistic Transformation

Experience a holistic approach that harmonizes with your goals, nurturing your overall well-being. No more scattered efforts, just a coherent Performance Lifestyle®.


“As an entrepreneur in the financial markets I don’t have a whole lot of time, I’ve benefited a great deal from these strategies.”

Mark Epstein

Past President, Treasurer, National Health Association, Financial Services Entrepreneur

“I’ve upgraded my lifestyle. This approach is realistic and practical for those of us who are up to achieving big dreams. I’m very happy!”

Rosemary Davies-Janes

President, Miboso Personal Branding Consultancy

“I used to keep myself very busy with multiple projects. I tried to “eat healthy,” but I wasn’t doing a great job. I fit in exercise when I could. The end result was more stress, worse health, and increased weight. Today, I’m a healthy high achiever and it’s all because I learned how to bridge the gaps holding me back!

Jeff Betman

Clinical Psychologist